DP Installation Instructions

To install DP you need a Fortran90 and a C compiler and a Linear Algebra library (for example LaPack). DP comes with the MFFT Public Domain library. In case you dispose of a nativey library, such as CXML, or ESSL, etc. (check the list in Portings), or you have installed the FFTW library, you can link them.

We also advise to install the NetCDF library which will free you from the troubles in the input/output of binary files on different machines (different precisions, little/big endian troubles, C/Fortran/Java/Perl/Python differencies in binaries).

The DP code requires a previous DFT calculation. We advise to use ABINIT. The DP code is well interfaced to the ABINIT *_KSS file as well as to the new NetCDF ETSF format (*_KSS-etsf.nc) it produces in most recent versions (check for your version ABINIT input variable accesswff=3). There is also another interface toward older QPLDA files, produced by the Milan-CP code and to which interfaces in PWSCF and SFHIngx should exist.

To install DP, you need to go into the Download page and download the .tgz file. Gunzip and untar it by the command:

tar -zxvf dp-x.y.z.tgz

If you are considering a version 5.y.z, then cd into the untared DP root directory and type the usual sequence:

make tests
make install

Unfortunately the autoconf tool is not working properly on all the machines. In case, try to manage with it or use a previous DP version 4. With this version, after untaring you need to get into the sources directory and copy the right mkfmacro.xxx, corresponding to your machine, into the mkfmacro file. In case your machine is not in the list, use the closer mkfmacro.xxx file and edit it to fit your machine. Then type:

make tests
make install